Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not A Moment Too Soon...

Not A Moment Too Soon...

3 minutes later, I realize what I said was stupid
So, so stupid
You are gone and I`m here, alone
Why does this always happen?
When someone loves another someone, someone always gets hurt

I think
Why is this happening?
I get scared, I think of the worst
I picture you, gone... gone forever

I sigh, look around
It`s late... too late
Where could you have gone?
Why are you doing this to me?

I close my eyes, take a deep breath
"God..." I whisper... "Let him be okay..."
A tear rolls down one cheek
"We are a family... we know what love is..."

The TV blairs in the background
Ryan Seacrest tells someone he is sorry they are going home
Home! Home is where the heart is
He isn`t home... his heart isn`t here

The Serect, remember The Secret
He is safe, he is home, he loves me
I look around
He`s not here

If another minute passes...
I can`t breath
"Oh God, Dear God..."
I replay everything in my head

The phone rings
"Hello...? Hello...?"
A deep breath, a sigh
"I`m coming home"

A roller coaster of emotions flood over me
He`s okay
He`s coming home
I`m relieved, I`m angry

I know he`s okay
I`m not worried anymore
He`s one his way
I feel robbed

He left
I worried
He called
I`m mad

He`s here
I here the door open
My heart jumps
I want to be upset

"Where were you?"
I plea
We meet, eye to eye
His are sorry

I run towards him
Wrap my arms around his neck
Tears flow down both cheeks
He squeezes my waist

"It`s just... I..."
He crys outlound with me
Everything is okay
We are together

I melt into a different place
Oneness becomes who we are
My eyes stay shut
I forget who I am

When day comes, the night is a blurr
Only smeared mascara
Two empty wine glasses...
And a bad dream remain

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